Barcelona based film director and cinematographer family.

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+34 664 502 397



Hannah Rybchinska as director and Dmitry Ratushniy as cinematographer have been working together for the last six month. They decide to cooperate because of similar views of life and cinematography.

Hannah graduated Tomas Bati University in the Czech Republic as a film director and screenwriter. During her studies, Hannah had an internship on Czech Television as a second director of live broadcasts, took part in the iShorts Festival, and won first prize in the short-meter competition «One Language for Everyone».

After graduation Hannah shot advertisements for the beauty contest "Crimea Beauty", advertisements for the Chinese brand "Tianren", as well as actor's video cards and various art.

She also made documentary projects about children with disabilities and ballet dancers. Hannah is successfully engaged in scripting, she writes scripts for various advertisements, music videos. Her scripts are shot by students.

Dmitriy graduated from the Lapshov and Lando workshops of the Faculty of Cinematography in St. Petersburg.

For the last two years, he has worked as a director of photography for more than ten short metres, as a director and combined production operator at 'Scandinava', working on two series and two feature films.

Dmitriy took part in shooting of the feature length film "Saving Leningrad" as the second cameraman. This film is still in distribution. Dmitry worked as VFX producer of the full-length film "February diary" at Nikita Mikhalkov's studio, which will be presented at international festivals this year.

In six months of collaboration, Hannah and Dmitry worked in Italy, Denmark and Finland. They made two clips (one of them is for Danish singer Ryabina - DWID was on MTV), cooperated with an acting agency in Italy - where they shot an acting card for the actress from Milan.

At the moment, in collaboration with the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship holder Tanya Weinstein, Hannah and Dmitry as a scriptwriter and director's cameraman, are leading the pre-production of a full-length film about theatre and contemporary art.